My friend Denise lives in the UK. I received a fantastical ROYAL NAIL MAIL from her today.
I really love Max Factor Polishes. I only have a few, but I WANT MORE!!!! I got Fantasy Fire a few months ago from the United Kingdom and I was ready for more. I love the cute little bottles.
Candy Blue, Purple Haze, Cactus Green
Candy Blue
Cactus Green
Purple Haze
Here are all the Max Factors I currently have. I love the cute little bottles, so I definitely want more.
She sent me 4 of the polishes from the "Sweetly Seductive" collection. I recently decided to collect these. I'm so happy she found these! They are from last summer, so they're not an easy find.
Orange Fizz, Grape Fizz, Watermelon Fizz, Grapefruit Fizz
Grapefruit Fizz
Strawberry Fizz
Orange Fizz
Grape Fizz
Now for some Revlon Spam. I love Revlon. It's one of my favorite brands. They have a lot of really great colors and the formula is usually very good.
Here's all the polishes I currently have from the "Sweetly Seductive" collection.
And here's the ones that are still on my WISHLIST PAGE
Colada Fizz
Mint Fizz
Appletini Fizz
I need to locate them right away!!!! It's an emergency!!! Ha!! No its not. But if any of you knows where I can get them and not get my wallet assaulted, I would really appreciate it.
These next two photos are courtesy of Nails by Kayla Shevonne....she has them all. Lucky girl!!
I think I might have a 2nd Coloda Fiz - that one is one I have used the most. I have Mint and Apple but only 1 of each that I have been using. They make great toppers. I was so surprised when I got Watermelon and thought that was the only one I would use. Then I friend brought me Coloda and I was major hooked. I know there is an honest eBayer selling these and I think she still has all of them at a decent price. I will look at my Rite Aide as they don't tend to get new things or put stuff on sale. I keep seeing a few of these in with the TopSpeed display and the collection that Revlon came out with after these that had Ocean and the non Fizz ones in it. I will let you know what they have still if anything. i have not looked in quite some time. Oooh I can get some Thrift Ice Cream if I go to Rite Aide! Maybe i would be better to go next door to Albertsons and get a Starbucks coffee - less calories! I will look up the honest seller on eBay and re-post when I get that info for ya. You did get some really pretty ones in this haul!
ReplyDeleteI looked and the person I knew selling this part of the scented line (the Fizzes) is done with that part - she only has the next set with Ocean and the non Fizz ones. I love the Fizz ones as I said - they make great toppers. I do have a 2nd Collada but not sure I want to part with it (I sound greedy - but that's the shade I use the most - more than even CND effects! I need to check in the AM when I can see better to my dupes plastic boxes. I don't have my dupes in an database (yet) like I do my in stash that is now up to over 1500! I need to purge some. But once I discovered both the secondary market, MUA (which I don't know how to use yet but will get there)..and nail blogs - I felt better about having so many polishes knowing there were tons of others like me out there. But alas, I am out of room for storage. If I have 2 of the Mints we can work something out on that one. I know I have 2 oranges, 2 yellows for sure - but you don't need those. I will look - maybe I will be surprised and find I have 3 of the Colada's! I know I want a back up for me because as I said, I use that one more than any other. It really gives a great subtle oomph to many shades. I think the ones you needed I did see on Ick-Bay - but not sure what they would work out with combo ship. Seems they were all $5 each for the 3 you want and then $2.25 ship - but 2 of them were listed with the same seller - so that ship rate would go down I would think. Not sure what you feel is highway robbery to pay for them. Let me look when it is light and I am awake. I hope to sleep tonight as I did not sleep last night at all nor today...I was on the phone with the cable company over no Internet again which is been ongoing for 3 months - now starting 4 months and I pretty much let them know I had had it and was going to pull my business out. But they are the only cable in the area - I live in po-dunk ville! Nothing is around here. That's why the Rite Aide here still has some of the Fizz and the next summer scent collection left! You need 'em all since you are so in love with not only these but Revlon in general. These I have to say are among the really fun ones - far better than anything Klenecolor has put out. These from Revlon are just so micro fine in the glitter...that makes it for me on them. I am not a big on glitter gal...though I like the direction some of the indie glitters are going where they have all shapes and are really sheer vs. the blobs of thick hunky opaque in 2 coats glitters we have had so much of. I want to see and enhance my base coat with toppers now and again. These Revlons work well that way. I use Colada over OPI DS Royal to pop the little bit of almost the same shade in Royal - then I use a metallic fuchsia Stripe Rite liner on a really thin edge of my toes. It looks fab.
DeleteThanks for your response!!! Yeah, I LOVE THEM! And you are so right, they are the most wonderful layering polishes. Prior to this package I only had "Pineapple Fizz" which I layered over a bright yellow. It was AMAZING!!! Jelly polishes really make the color "pop". I have a few searches saved for Revlons, and if I get desperate I'll buy them, but in order for me to get just those 3 colors, with the shipping added in, is $30!!! Wow!!! Not sure I want the last 3 that bad. LOL! But give it a few days. I might get itchy fingers and buy them all up. :) I loved reading your comment. Ty!!!
DeleteIf you're still looking for the Revlon polishes, I can get them for you (but I leave in France), here, they have just been released last week
ReplyDeletelet me know
ohh love them^^
ReplyDelete1 year blog anniversary♥mfashionfreak
Nice nail mail! I think I don´t own any Revlon nail polishes at the moment, but they are in my wishlist.
ReplyDeleteNice nail mail :))